huile myristica fragrans huiles myristica fragrans au maroc

huile myristica fragrans huiles myristica fragrans au maroc
  • huile myristica fragrans huiles myristica fragrans au maroc
huile myristica fragrans huiles myristica fragrans au maroc
huile myristica fragrans huiles myristica fragrans au maroc
huile myristica fragrans huiles myristica fragrans au maroc
huile myristica fragrans huiles myristica fragrans au maroc
  • What is Myristica fragrans used for?
  • Myristica fragrans, an aromatic evergreen tree, is well known for its commercial products including mace (aril) and nutmeg (seed), which have been used for spice and medicinal purposes. This review has summarized a comprehensive understanding of the phytochemical and pharmacological properties of M. fragrans reported to date.
  • What is Myristica fragrans Houtt used for?
  • Myristica fragrans Houtt. (Myristicaceae), an aromatic evergreen tree, is well known as a commercial source of mace (aril) and nutmeg (seed), which have long been widely used as spices in the culinary field. In addition, various parts of M. fragrans have been used in folk medicine for treating several diseases.
  • Where does Myristica fragrans grow?
  • Houtt. Myristica fragrans is an evergreen tree indigenous to the Maluku Islands of Indonesia. It is important as the main source of the spices nutmeg and mace. It is widely grown across the tropics including Guangdong and Yunnan in China, Taiwan, Indonesia, Malaysia, Grenada in the Caribbean, Kerala in India, Sri Lanka and South America.
  • Does Myristica fragrans have volatile oil?
  • In this chapter, pharmacological and phytochemical studies on Myristica fragrans have been reviewed. Several compounds were identified in nutmeg and mace of the plant with terpinen-4-ol, β-pinene, and limonene being the dominant constituents common to volatile oil in all species.